MACEXCHANGER By Phillip White While perusing through the ACE BBS miscellaneous files, I came across a program which would seem to be the perfect addition for those ST users who use the Spectre 128 Macintosh emulator from Gadgets by Small. The accompanying blurb stated quite emphatically that it was possible to format both Spectre and Mac disks and to transfer data between the two formats. The MACEXCHANGER, while being of little use for those with the Spectre GCR, should be of immense value to the Spectre 128 user. Although the Mac and the ST use the same size floppy disks, the formatting routines are markedly different for each machine. The Macintosh uses a variable speed disk drive to ostensibly allow greater disk storage space, while the ST uses MS DOS based formatting routines. This means that MAC disks cannot be read by the ST (or any other computer for that matter) without special hardware additions. The Spectre 128 uses its own disk format that allows the reading and writing of Mac software to disks in an ST disk drive while in Macintosh mode. The Spectre GCR uses a cartridge to enable Mac disks to be used directly by the ST, while there is another hardware utility called TRANSLATOR ONE which does pretty much the same thing. With MACEXCHANGER, you can transfer your Spectre diskettes to a special 720KB Mac format which can be read or written by ANY Mac with a FDHD drive without any trouble. This is a high-density disk drive (also known as SuperDrive) which can read or write standard MS-DOS diskettes (using appropriate software), as well as the normal Mac (GCR) formats. It is also possible to transfer a 720K Mac disk to Spectre, thus you have virtually no need for special hardware to exchange disks with a Macintosh. The program is written by Hubert Nooijen of the Netherlands and the version which is on the BBS is basically a demo with some features removed. This program is distributed in a LIMITED version under a variant of the ShareWare system. It means, you may try it out for a while and copy it to anybody you like; but if you want to USE the program (for some purpose), you have to pay for it (like any other ShareWare program). By paying the ShareWare fee of Hfl. 50,- ($A?) for the FULL version of MACEXCHANGER, you will receive the full version of the program and - as a registered user - you will be notified of any product updates. If the limited version of MACEXCHANGER is sufficient enough for you, you can also pay Hfl. 25,- (ShareWare fee for the LIMITED version). In that case, you will not receive the full version, but only becoming a registered user. NOTES: * The limited version of MACEXCHANGER can only convert Spectre to Mac, not the other way around. Nor gives it the possibility to format a 720K Mac disk (menu option F4), to be used on that computer (The Mac refuses to format a 720K - MFM - disk suitable for the ST...). (The Spectre GCR will quite happily read a Macintosh formatted disk) * The current version of MACEXCHANGER supports only double sided HFS disks. * Because the Mac disk capacity is 80KB less than Spectre's, you can lose some information residing in the last 80K of a Spectre disk when converting a 800K Spectre disk to 720K Mac. The Mac 'sees' that the disk contains invalid data and wants to repair it ("This disk needs minor repairs"). Don't worry; all it does is rewrite a new Desktop file. Also, MACEXCHANGER warns you about the disk's size (with the option to resume or cancel). To prevent such problems, included is an option to format a 720KB Spectre disk (menu option F2). It is in all respects a normal Spectre disk, except that you can store 80KB less on it... The Demo program is simple to use and appears to work flawlessly within the restraints imposed on it. This is a bare bones application that is accessed through keystrokes, there are no GEM attributes. To test it, I formatted a Spectre disk using MACEXCHANGER and read it from the Mac mode in Spectre GCR. I then wrote a file to this disk and formatted a Mac disk. Using the transfer Spectre to Mac function in MACEXCHANGER, I then transferred the contents of the Spectre disk to the Mac one. The Mac disk was then successfully read by using Spectre GCR with the original file intact. This disk had been resized to 720K, and while it was read by Spectre, I cannot verify the results on a real Macintosh. In conclusion, I can say that this program should certainly be on the shopping list for those ST users who either have or are considering purchasing a Spectre 128 and do not wish to go the whole hog with a Spectre GCR. The only problem, is trying to get it in Australia. In the meantime please contact..... Hubert Nooijen Diamantpad 18 2628 SC Delft The Netherlands PostGiro Account nr. 1884895 (PostBank)